Thursday, January 12, 2012

Grown Ups

I don't know if I have ever felt like a "grown up" more than I did today. 
Aaron and I met with some financial planners this evening.  It was a bit scary and exciting all at the same time.  We now officially have GOOD life insurance, Roth IRA accounts and a 401 K.  Seriously, I had never heard of these things until a few weeks ago (with the exception of life insurance :).  I am still a little shakey with my understanding of it all, but I do know that these are good things for us to have and are good things to get started now at a young age. 
It is so exciting for me to think that we are putting away money for when we are retired!  I can't wait to see Aaron when we are 60 and have kids and grandkids and all this money to spend because we were so smart and started saving early :)
But it is a bit depressing that they told me I could retire in 2042!  Doesn't that sound like a VERY long time from now?! 
Oh well, here is to being a grown up!

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