Monday, November 21, 2011

Houses, Shopping & Movies OH MY!

Sometimes I feel like my life is rather boring and I have nothing to blog about, so I don't.  Other times, my life seems so hectic I can't find the time to blog.  Luckily, my life has currently been the latter. 
Aaron and I have begun the process of searching for our first home.  We are so blessed to have such an AMAZING realtor working with us.  We love Sue!  This has pretty much consumed our evenings.  We have gone out twice looking at homes and the nights we haven't done that have been spent searching on Trulia at homes that are for sell.  Hopefully after Thanksgiving we might be putting an offer on a house!  More details to come on that :)
I am so lucky to work for a district that gives us the WHOLE WEEK OFF!  That's right.  I don't have to work this whole week.  It is so amazing.  Today I was very productive.  I started out bright and early with a trip to the car dealership so that they could fix the back seatbelt (recall that has been needed for over a year....oooops).  I thought it would take 15 min.  Not so.  I got there and he said it would take about an hour and a half.  I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped open.  Anyways, they had an US Weekly so it was all good.  I was able to catch myself up on the Hollywood gossip while I waited.  Once that was finished, I headed up to Allen to the Gold Class Cinema.  Let me just tell you, if you have never been to one, GO!  It was sooooo nice.  I had a full on reclining chair, like the Lazy Boy kind, and they provided a blanket and pillow (don't ever take your dad if he falls asleep in the movies like mine does, not a chance he would stay awake).  I had complimentary popcorn and ordered some sliders and fries.  It was the perfect way to see Breaking Dawn Part 1.  It was also a huge step for me....the first time I've ever been to the movies alone!  I always swore I would never do that.  It wasn't so bad though :) 
After the movie I went shopping.  Not for me though!  I started our Christmas shopping today :)  Always one of my favorite things to do.  We literally had not bought one present yet...but by the time I got home, we have finished shopping for 2 people on our list and I have 2 presents wrapped for Aaron!  Yes, I had to wrap them even though there is no tree to put them under yet.  I am going to have to be creative in the future in finding hiding places for presents.  I don't know how my mom did it all those years. 
Now, I'm at home watching football with Aaron.  He spent all day at his school studying.  He has his final for his paramedic class tomorrow night!  He is nervous but I know that he is going to do awesome!  Prayers would be greatly appreciated anyways :)
Hope you are all having a wonderful Thanksgiving week!

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